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Helping The Community get Heard

In a discussion with someone recently, the bard noted how there are different steps to getting your work 'out there':

Anyone can write poetry or short stories - writing a good one depends on the audience that read it. If writing just for yourself, this should not be a concern - write - get your passion and voice out of your head and onto paper/screen/pavement! Help document to go here

Once there is a need for others to consume your words though, this is where performance and editing needs to occur:

  • Writing a good story/poem/piece for others requires an awareness of audience and we aim to help writers of all forms to develop their voice if we can

  • Performing your piece [or another's] requires different skills again. We have all seen great and poor performances, and the skills of performance can enliven an average piece or kill an excellent one. If the performer doesn't gauge an audience correctly, then the piece may not find its way to being heard. No one wants that - we intend to help all who want to perform with workshops and training sessions, boosting confidence and making your pieces shine to all!

More information about workshops to come - watch this space!


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